Spider Management

Spiders are not insects. They belong to a separate group called arachnids, which also includes scorpions. A spider’s body is divided into two parts linked by a narrow waist. It has four pairs of legs tipped with claws, but no spiders have wings. All spiders can make silk but not all spin webs. There are at least 35000 species of spider. Most are harmless but a few can be deadly. The banana spider of Central and South America produce 6mg of venom, enough to kill six adults. Other deadly spiders are the funnel-web, which lives in Australia, and the wolf spider of Central and South America. The black widow and various tarantulas are also very dangerous and can kill.

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Different Kind Of Spiders

Spiders commonly enter homes in two primary ways: entering through open, poorly screened windows and doors and through cracks and gaps around door and window frames. Most of the time, spiders come inside the home looking for prey. The other common method of entering is accidentally hitchhiking inside boxes, on outdoor items and numerous other things that are brought inside a home or business.


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