Fly Management

Service Methodologies

1. Paint on Solution for quick results (on need basis).
2. Insect Growth Regulators (for commercial and institutional clients).
3. Adulticide Spray
4. Baiting

HOUSEFLIES Suspended Animation When threatened by cold temperatures or lack of food and moisture, the housefly body can temporarily shut itself down in a process similar to hibernation, called diapause. This process, which comes on gradually and can last for months, can take place at any point in a housefly life cycle. House flies have sponge-like mouthparts, which are good for soaking up liquefied substances but not for eating solid foods. So, the house fly either seeks out food that is already in puddle form, or it finds a way to turn the food source into something it can manage. This is where things get kind of gross. When a house fly locates something tasty but solid, it regurgitates onto the food (which may be your food, if its buzzing around your barbecue).

House Flies Poop A Lot

There is a saying, "Never poop where you eat." Sage advice, most would say. Because house flies live on a liquid diet, things move rather quickly through their digestive tracts. Nearly every time a house fly lands, it defecates. So in addition to vomiting on anything it thinks might make a tasty meal, the house fly almost always does poop where it eats. Keep that in mind next time one touches down on your potato salad. The fly vomit contains digestive enzymes that go to work on the desired snack, quickly predigesting and liquefying it so the fly can lap it up. Because house flies thrive in places that are teeming with pathogens, they have a bad habit of carrying disease-causing agents with them from place to place. House flies are known to transmit at least 65 diseases and infections, including cholera, dysentery, giardiasis, typhoid, leprosy, conjunctivitis, salmonella, and many more.

Types of Flies


Properly and completely licensed, we guarantee a level of customer care that is unmatched, assuring you complete satisfaction and peace of mind.

H NO, 1-8-479, Chikkadpally,

+91- 9550788793

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